Sentras and Sizzle-Lean: 7 Things That Changed Before the “Breaking Bad” Pilot Ever Aired

  As the world prepares to feast on this weekend’s “Breaking Bad” series finale, many are praising creator Vince Gilligan for delivering what may turn out to be the most celebrated, well-executed story arc in the history of television. He seems to have known absolutely everything that was going to happen, and has yet toContinue reading “Sentras and Sizzle-Lean: 7 Things That Changed Before the “Breaking Bad” Pilot Ever Aired”

I Asked A Slave

I am truly honored to play one of the ignorant morons in the latest episode of the hottest web series on Earth right now: “Ask A Slave.” Azie Marie Dungey got a gig playing a historical slave character giving tours at George Washington’s home Mount Vernon. The real questions she was asked by real liveContinue reading “I Asked A Slave”